Thursday, March 31, 2011


I'd like to introduce you to my new column, Momspiration. My writings will be featured every other Thursday in the Burlington Union. You can find the link below.
Thank you so much for your support!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Flowers from Daddy

The vase on Tori's dresser is half-empty. "Where did the flowers go that Daddy gave you?" "I gave them away. To Mrs. Ski, and Kylie, and Cathy, and Julianna, and the Cleaning Ladies, and Becca, and Sarah." So blessed am I to have a little girl who is generous and good. Oh wait, I am triple blessed. Thank you, God for my three little girls.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Daddy rules!

"Daddy rules with a green thumb and an iron fist." Daughter #1
"Does that mean we can get more plants?" Daughter #2

Friday, March 18, 2011

Something that starts with Q

My three year old daughter is learning to sound out letters and associate them with written words. I heard her from the kitchen practicing the hard "C" sound.
"Hey, Mommy!" She calls to me, thrilled with her discoveries in linguistics. "I know something that starts with Q! Cucumber!"

Thursday, March 10, 2011


While driving my daughters to dance class today, my oldest read the sign of the sermon series at a small Lutheran church. "Finding the joy in lint. Lint? Where is the joy in that?"