Monday, January 4, 2010

Peace and Quiet

The yellow school bus pulled off through the snow this morning. I herded two of my daughters clad in ski gloves and purple parkas down the path my husband cut through a foot of snow with his snow blower to the bus stop.

I woke them at 6:30, and sprinted through the mad rush of breakfast, lunch boxes, backpacks, and ponytails. Winter also dictates coats, gloves, boots and ski pants. It is really no different than all the other moms are doing to get their kids ready for school. But somehow the morning rush always surprises me, and I race until I hear the bus rumbling up the road before we make it out the door.

When the bus pulled away, and I stepped back inside my house, I was engulfed in quiet. My husband was working from home in his office, and daughter #3 was still blissfully sleeping. (perhaps since she was up until midnight--but that is another story)

All the rushing suddenly ceased. I sat still in my family room next to my cooling cup of coffee and felt an odd sense of awkwardness. How long had it been since I have truly been alone? By my best estimation, 17 days had passed since I have had a moment to myself. (If you don't count the time I drove through a snowstorm to pick up Chinese food two days ago)

Used to running around and doing things, I had a hard time just sitting. I forced myself not to move and pushed away thoughts of my "to do" list (posted prominently on the refrigerator.) Instead, I looked out the window at the tall pines frosted with yesterday's snow. Brilliant green and white were juxtaposed against a cerulean blue sky. A chickadee perched near the top, flapped his wings and sent down a sprinkle of white powder. Thank you God for making this for me to see. Thank you God for this moment. With my eyes open, I continued in prayer for my family and friends.

Before I could contemplate any more, the moment was over. Sleeping beauty arrived in yellow footed jammies and crawled into my lap. She reached up to touch my face and I held her with my eyes closed, feeling blessed and refreshed.

Be still and know that I am God Psalm 46:10a

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